Sunday, August 3, 2014


Himba tribe 35 mysterious tribe in 5 continents are at risk of disappearing forever. British photographer Jimmy Nelson took 3 years to photograph the mysterious 35 tribes in 5 continents with risk of disappearing forever.
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The Tsaatan in northern Mongolia is a nomadic tribe dependent on the reindeer. Living in the woods subarctic taiga, where temperatures sometimes dropped to minus 50 degrees Celsius, Tsaatan tribe migrating reindeer husbandry in Mongolia last.
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The Kazakh tribes were Turkic stems from the northern part of Central Asia. For more than two centuries, the men of the tribe always hunted on horseback along the golden eagle.
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The Mursi are a nomadic tribe of cattle breeding in the Great Rift Africa, southwest Ethiopia. They live mainly due to hunting and gathering, livestock and rice cultivation along the Omo River.
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Wigmen Huli tribe residing in Papua New Guinea and the wig is known for gaudy colors.
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The Argentine gauchos on horseback nomadic and roam the steppes from the early 1700s In the 19th century, their lives were difficult because of regulations against the nomads. The gauchos have hobbies like gambling, drinking, playing guitar and singing.Những bộ lạc sắp biến mất khỏi trái đất - 6
Tribal Mustang at Mun Tan, Tibet was a descendant of the Kingdom of Lo. This tribe is located on a windswept plateau between Nepal and Tibet northwest, one of the most remote areas in the world. This is one of the last tribes are keeping the ancient culture of Tibet. The Lo traditional family structure, in which the son will inherit the family property.
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Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, is seen as the explorers talent, courage. They migrated from the islands of East Polynesia to New Zealand from the 13th century.
Arctic Chukchi are ancient living mainly in Chukotka peninsula. The Chukchi divided into two different cultures, including the nomadic reindeer husbandry (Chauchu) lives deep in the Chukotka peninsula and the hunting of marine animals (Ankalyn) along the coast of the Arctic Ocean.
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Himba are an ancient tribe of semi-nomadic herders. From the 16th century, they lived in scattered settlements throughout the Kunene River region in northwestern Namibia and southwestern Angola. Although affected by modern life and hydropower projects in the region, but the Himba still maintain their traditional ways of life to another.
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People living in the Ladakh valley between two high mountains and Karakoram Himalayas in northern India. The religious worship Ladakh is Tibetan Buddhism for over 1,000 years.
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Semi-nomadic Maasai tribe in East Africa live in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania along the arid regions of the Great Rift Valley. Their lives are dependent on the rains came to the area in search of food, water and livestock. Food comes from the Maasai cattle. They eat meat, drink milk, and occasionally cattle blood.
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Ni-Vanuatu tribes including Melanesian people living in the Republic of Vanuatu, the island nation in the southwest Pacific Duong.Nhieu the Melanesian evidence comes from New Zealand. Currently, the Melanesian island each in the Republic of Vanuatu are languages ​​and cultures. They live mainly based on hunting, gathering and fishing.
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Tribal Drokpa existing 2,500 members live in three small villages in the valley of Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir is located in a disputed area between India and Pakistan. They are the true descendants of the Aryans left in India.
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The Huaorani themselves to be the bravest tribes of the Amazon, South America. Tribal population is about 2,000 people, but are threatened by oil exploration and illegal logging accident.