Sunday, August 3, 2014


Just because stealing things of small value, but a lot of people have been beaten, tortured, brutally medieval. We even had the tragic death of this torture.
 Người trộm chó bị tra tấn dã man
The theft was brutally tortured dogs
Like a medieval torture
In recent days on the social network is spreading a picture of young men recurrent hands tied to the back, the naked and surrounded by matted with blood. According to information from police Thuong Tin district, this young man is doing dog theft in the commune of Ha Vy (Thuong Tin district), the people were caught. Just then, a lot of people rushed tied, stripped naked and beat men’s council. Fortunately, the police received information timely and rescue. If not likely this dog thief lives will be threatened.
And the consequences of stealing dogs not stop at torture. Earlier this month 9/2013 at Hiep Hoa, Bac Giang, two dogs who stole the villagers were rounded up, beaten to death. More than 800 households in this general sign “an application received crane killing by hackers” as a challenge the investigating agency.
Not only those who were actually going to steal. There are only babies neighbors money suspected burglar has been tortured to death. On 21/6, while acacia forest back for lunch he received news Phung Van Nguyen lightning when his son Van Phung Hieu Tran Van Minh neighbors suspected theft and torture. Once home to the claim, he received the answer Nguyen Hieu did you get the money to return home. At that time, a new neighborhood search for assistant fire Hieu and I have 2 days later, the body of students in the state on the stomach, the head and body on the shore, feet underwater. More painful when children die, but still open glaring eyes, sandy soil smeared on the corner of mi.
A painful incident occurred at 19h 29 quarters when BTA (19 years old, Quynh Phuong Commune, Quynh Luu, Nghe An) was playing near her house Phan Tien Manh one other young men called out and began toad the beach. Here, 2 A. Object confessed to taking 7 million of a person with Nguyen Van Trung commune. A. said: ‘They beat and then take you to a bridge, take the first two legs down and threatened to wish otherwise would throw down the opening. I’m scared too, but I do not get the money, I did not recognize. Then they take you into the sea, immersed in water. Then put them into the graveyard. They began to undress me, I begged, but they do not have to beg, shirt tucked into mouth, leg bands, and dig holes to bury. They took shovels to dig holes, bury them in the landfill squatting posture, leaving only the head and walk away. I’m scared too, thought dead suffocated. but 10 minutes later with a return to dig them up to take home, continues to be a threat if not open hands, legs … ‘. Do not accept me, A. continued beaten brutally tortured. We, unfortunately police have received reports and to rescue A.
Do not bargain on corpses
In a modern society, in a country where the law of torture who stole barbaric really not worth it. Social as well as human development to treat each other in a humane and more compassionate. The people who steal are punished by law and not the other person to treat another person. Writer Tran Huy Quang, Vietnam Writers ‘Association in response to press for sharing:’ This is the practice of treating each other as forest law. People were stealing chickens, dogs burglary, theft of property, … will naturally angered hard work to make the new wealth. But despite the mercy of a few should not be treated cruelly with such fellows. Because there are so many people who steal our discreetly so much more than that (like his corrupt officials) that we do not necessarily speak up, let alone beat them verbally. Then a couple of consumption, a few dogs, a few spikes is worth nothing to her became so bad, with the miserable, unimportant as himself. A civilized society is a society dealing with another human. If everyone treated each other like that, then we’re returning to medieval times society not constitute legal gone. Time of the strong bullying the weak. Everyone knows just follow the crowd played along, periods of darkness and ignorance cover ‘.
A girl was tied to a tree for suspected burglary
When people steal dogs pictures of abuse posted online, there are a lot of comments condemning the young. You Cao Minh wrote: ‘Despite everything the people together. Although people steal, steal it also has severely legislation. Therefore, we should not use his mind to handle, such humiliate others’. Some other friends also said: ‘If it’s theft or crime, people should also control and custody pending object authorities to settle rather than stripped and beaten like that. Looking at the picture, I really found before panic behavior of a group of people ‘
Obviously you have to steal a chicken ever, dogs are the very same people also sugar. They are willing to take any punishment despite the worst circumstances leading to death. But in a country of rich people who love and humanity as Vietnam, give everyone a chance.